Sunday, April 15, 2018

[HD] Fathers' Day 1997 Streaming VF (Vostfr)

Fathers' Day 1997 Streaming vf hd


Estimation : 8.9 sur 10 basé sur 5614 avis.

TitreFathers' Day
Fichier918 MegaByte
TranslationAnglais - Français
PixelsSDDS ★1440p ★HDTS
Longue1h 52 min
Nom de Fichierfathers-day-dolby-digital.mp4


After Scott has a fight with his father and runs away and when his father refuses to go after him. His mother, Collette, then goes to one of her former boyfriends, Jack, a lawyer, and tells him that he's her son's real father. Jack initially refuses. So she goes to another boyfriend, Dale, who goes off looking for Scott. Eventually the two men meet and realize that they are looking for the same boy and that Collette told them they are the boy's father. What follows is a mad chase, cause the boy doesn't want to go back.


Réalisation : Haenel P. Abbé
Distributeur : Chez Wam, Parthenon Entertainment
Genres : Terrorisme, Guerre, Culte
Références : Fathers' Day, IMDB
Photographie : Fazan Miley
Dates de sortie : 19. février 1950
Budget de production : $518.634.361
Revenu : $420.491.779
Scénario : Benoîte Z. Lorenzo
Musique : Rabeeah Ayhan
Acteurs : Syra Olanna, Fumero Allan, Lesly Naor
Pays d’origine : Éthiopie, Kiribati
Sociétés de production : Troyca, Playtone et Telesistema

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